
Suicide Prevention and Awareness

According to a 2017 study by the Ruderman Family Foundation, in recent years, more public safety personnel have died at their own hands than by any other means.  IPMBA is joining with other public safety organizations in an effort to recognize that there is a need for greater awareness of this problem and improved access to suicide prevention resources and mental health services.  Please take a moment to review the below links.  They may help you save a life in ways you never imagined.  

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: the nation's largest non-profit dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide. 1-800-273-TALK (8255) (hotline).

Blue H.E.L.P.:  It is the mission of Blue H.E.L.P. to reduce mental health stigma through education, advocate for benefits for those suffering from post-traumatic stress, acknowledge the service and sacrifice of law enforcement officers we lost to suicide, assist officers in their search for healing, and to bring awareness to suicide and mental health issues.

Code Green Campaign: run by first responders, Code Green takes its name from the code alerts used to denote a critical emergency in EMS.  Services include a storytelling project, suicide tracking, resource database, education programs, treatment scholarships, and support groups.  

Cop Doc: The Science of Public Safety Blog, by Ellen Kirschmann, Psychology Today

Cops and PTSD: Why You Should Care and What You Should Do, by Ellen Kierschmann, Psychology Today

Cops Who Kill - Themselves, by Ellen Kirschmann, PhD, Psychology Today

COPLINE: Copline is the first national law enforcement officers hotline in the country that is staffed by retired law enforcement officers. Retired law enforcement officers are trained in active listening and bring the knowledge and understanding of the many psychosocial stressors that officers go through both and off the job. 

First Responder Support Network: provides first responders and their families with tools to reduce personal and family stress, encourage appropriate career decisions, and reduce the effects of traumatic incident stress.  415-721-9789

How to Spot PTSD in Yourself:  Know What To Look For So You Can Seek Help When Needed:  by Amaury Murgado, Police Magazine, June 2019

IACP Law Enforcement Suicice Prevention and Awareness Resources:  a collection of posters, brochures, videos, presentations, and other training materials and resources.  

International Critical Incident Stress Foundation:  provides leadership, education, training, consultation, and support services in comprehensive crisis intervention and disaster behavioral health services to the emergency response professions, other organizations, and communities.  410-313-2473 (emergency hotline).

Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention, by Jeff Thompson, PhD, Psychology Today

My Husband's Suicide:  Recognizing the Predictors of Police Suicide, by Kim Colegrove

National Alliance on Mental Illness: the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization. 800-950-6264 (helpline)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  1-800-273-8255.

National Volunteer Fire Council Fire/EMS Helpline: The NVFC teamed up with American Addiction Centers (AAC) to create a free, confidential helpline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Developed specifically for Fire/EMS personnel, the Fire/EMS Helpline can serve as an individual resource, or departments can offer it as an Employee Assistance Program for their members. 888-731-3473.

Police Officers and Firefighters are More Likely to Die by Suicide than in the Line of Duty, by Ruderman Family Foundation

Safe Call Now: A confidential, comprehensive, 24-hour crisis referral service for public safety employees, emergency services personnel, and their family members. 206-459-3020. 

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator: a confidential and anonymous source of information for people seeking treatment for substance abuse, addiction, or mental health problems.  1-800-662-HELP (4357).

What is the Greatest Threat to Law Enforcement in 2019?  Ourselves!, by Sean Peterson, Taunton (MA) Police Department